[Korean Culture & Language] Rinse and Perm
Hello, this is Uptempo! One of the popular YouTube videos by ‘ 남자머리 해결사송샘 (Mr. Song, the Trouble-shooter for men’s hair)’ is titled ‘ 딱 정해줄게요 . 샴푸만 해야하는지 린스도 해야하는지. ’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBQqerTgeFE&t=55s ‘ 딱 정해줄게요 ’ means ‘Let me make the right/best decision for you’ ‘ 샴푸 ’ means ‘Shampoo’ ‘ 만 ’ means ‘Only’ ‘ 해야하는 ’ means ‘should’ ‘ 지 ’ means ‘or’ ‘ 린스 ’ is directly translated to ‘rinse,’ but in Korea, ‘ 린스 ’ refers to a ‘conditioner.’ So, the title means: “I’ll make the best decision for you on whether you should only shampoo your hair or also use a conditioner.” Ex) A: 민지야 , 너 머리결이 항상 좋아 보여 . 평소에 특별한 관리 방법이 있어 ? A: Min-Ji, your hair always looks amazing. Do you follow a special hair care routine? B: 아니 , 린스 매일 쓰는 것 밖에는 없어 . B: Not really. I just use conditioner daily. ‘ 린스 ’ is one of the most frequently used ‘ 콩글리쉬 (Konglish)’ (Konglish is the English loanword that has been adopted into the Korean language but is not readily underst...