[Korean Culture & Language] Rinse and Perm
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One of the popular YouTube videos by ‘남자머리 해결사송샘 (Mr. Song, the Trouble-shooter for men’s hair)’ is titled ‘딱 정해줄게요. 샴푸만 해야하는지 린스도 해야하는지.’
‘딱 정해줄게요’ means ‘Let me make the right/best decision for you’
‘샴푸’ means ‘Shampoo’
‘만’ means ‘Only’
‘해야하는’ means ‘should’
‘지’ means ‘or’
‘린스’ is directly translated to ‘rinse,’ but in Korea, ‘린스’ refers to a ‘conditioner.’
So, the title means: “I’ll make the best decision for you on whether you should only shampoo your hair or also use a conditioner.”
‘린스’ is one of the most frequently used ‘콩글리쉬(Konglish)’ (Konglish is the English loanword that has been adopted into the Korean language but is not readily understandable to native English speakers.)
‘파마’ is also a popular option when Koreans visit hair salons. While many Koreans assume that ‘파마’ is an English word, it is not. ‘파마’ in English is ‘perm’ or ‘a permanent wave’.
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