[Korean Culture & Language] Pretty Girls are Friendly

Hello, this is Uptempo!

Below video is titled ‘예쁜 사람이 착하다는 말은 진리다.


예쁜’ means ‘pretty’
사람’ means ‘person’ or ‘people’
착하다’ means ‘nice’ or ‘friendly’
’ means ‘statement’ or ‘idiom’
진리’ means ‘truth’ or ‘true’
The title means “It was true that pretty girls are friendly.”

The guy in the video poses as a ‘타이완 사람(Taiwanese)’ and asks a girl how to get to the ‘동사무소(Town hall).’ Then he abruptly changes his direction and asks how to go to the ‘시청(City hall)’ instead. 수원시청 (Su-won city hall)?” she asked.
He continues, ‘동사무소, 시청’. She explains that ‘동사무소 and 시청’ are two different places. 

He replies, “좋은 알려주세요 (Please let me know which one is good).”

좋은 ’ means ‘something good’.
알려주세요’ means ‘Please tell me’ or ‘Please suggest to me.’

She assumes that he is asking “which one is closer,” and she explains, “동사무소 is smaller and 시청 is bigger.”

“No,” he continues, “ 싸면서 시청하면 좋은 영상.

’ means ‘poop’
싸면서’ means ‘-ing’
시청’ means ‘to watch’
좋은’ means ‘good’
영상’ means ‘video’

He is asking, “Which video is good to watch while pooping? / What video would you recommend I watch while I poop?”

She says “그건 몰라요 (I don’t know about that).”

Because of its clever wordplay, this video received 76K likes and went viral.

Have you ever experienced something like this from being confused by a Korean phrase or sentence?


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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