[Korean Culture & Language] Falling out of Jeong

Hello, this is Uptempo!

’ refers to the warm sense of attachment that those in close relationships feel for one another. Even though people from every culture have the ‘feeling of attachment, ‘’ is a little different, and is a distinctive aspect of Korean culture, in the sense that it also includes one’s ‘warm behavior’ toward strangers. 

On the other hand, one can fall out of ‘정.’ 정뚝떨 is an abbreviation for 정이 떨어진다,’ which is directly translated to “Jeong falls/drops suddenly.” It means that someone was ‘turned off’ or ‘has fallen out of love or friendship.’

The below video is titled ‘정뚝떨 썸남 종특.

It means “The characteristics of a date who turns you off.”

In the video, the guy asks a girl , 밤샜나? 얼굴 이렇게 늙었어?”
밤을 새다’ means ‘stay up all night’
얼굴’ means ‘face’
이렇게’ means ‘like this’
늙었어’ means ‘old’
He is saying “Hey, did you stay up all night? Why do you look so old like this?”

Another 정뚝떨 moment is when he trashes his empty bottle on a bench instead of a trashcan.


A: 민지가 소개 마음에 든다고 하지 않았어? 만나?
A: You said that you liked the guy that Min-Ji set you up with if I remember correctly. Why aren’t you dating him?
B: 두번 만났을 정뚝떨 했어.
B:  He completely turned me off on our second date.
A: 어떻게 했길래?
A: What did he do?
B: 식당에서 종업원들에게 무례하게 대했어. 그건 참겠더라.
B:  He was really rude to the waiter. I couldn’t take it.

Have you ever felt ‘정뚝떨’ before? When do you usually feel it toward someone?


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