[Korean Culture & Language] School Years
Hello, this is Uptempo! The following video is titled: ‘ 학창 시절에 날 괴롭히던 일진이 배라 알바를 하고 있다면 ?’ https://youtu.be/qV5-TDK-VnE ‘ 학창 ’ means ‘ school year(s) ’ or ‘ school day(s) ’ ‘ 시절 ’ means days (usually used for past tense ‘ back in the days ’) Ex) 우리 학창 시절 에 자주 가던 저 분식집 기억 해 ? Do you remember that snack bar that we used to go to all the time throughout our school years ? ‘ 날 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 나를 ,’ which means ‘ me ’ ex) 민수가 나를 찾았어 ? Did Min-Su look for me ? ‘ 괴롭히던 ’ means ‘ used to bully ’ Ex) 저 아이들이 나를 괴롭히던 애들이야 . They are the ones who used to bully me. ‘ 일진 ’means ‘ the bully/bullies’ ex) 수진이 고등학생 때 일진 이었대 I heard that Su-Jin used to be a bully in high school. ‘ 배라 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 배스킨라빈스 ,’ which means ‘ Baskin Robbins ’. ex) 너는 ‘ 배라 ’ 에서 가장 좋아하는 메뉴 뭐야 ? Which of the ‘ Baskin Robbins ’ flavors is your favorite? ‘ 알바 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 아르바이트 , ’ which means ‘ part-time job ’ in Konglish. The term originated from the German w...