7월, 2022의 게시물 표시

[Korean Culture & Language] School Years

Hello, this is Uptempo! The following video is titled: ‘ 학창 시절에 날 괴롭히던 일진이 배라 알바를 하고 있다면 ?’ https://youtu.be/qV5-TDK-VnE ‘ 학창 ’ means ‘ school year(s) ’ or ‘ school day(s) ’ ‘ 시절 ’ means days (usually used for past tense ‘ back in the days ’) Ex) 우리 학창 시절 에 자주 가던 저 분식집 기억 해 ? Do you remember that snack bar that we used to go to all the time throughout our school years ? ‘ 날 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 나를 ,’ which means ‘ me ’ ex) 민수가 나를 찾았어 ? Did Min-Su look for me ? ‘ 괴롭히던 ’ means ‘ used to bully ’ Ex) 저 아이들이 나를 괴롭히던 애들이야 . They are the ones who used to bully me. ‘ 일진 ’means ‘ the bully/bullies’ ex) 수진이 고등학생 때 일진 이었대 I heard that Su-Jin used to be a bully in high school. ‘ 배라 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 배스킨라빈스 ,’ which means ‘ Baskin Robbins ’. ex) 너는 ‘ 배라 ’ 에서 가장 좋아하는 메뉴 뭐야 ? Which of the ‘ Baskin Robbins ’ flavors is your favorite? ‘ 알바 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 아르바이트 , ’ which means ‘ part-time job ’ in Konglish. The term originated from the German w...

[Korean Culture & Language] Pain in the Neck

Hello, this is Uptempo! The following video is titled: 자취방 민폐 특 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNuTD9wpRxk ‘ 자취 ’ means ‘ to live by oneself ’. ex) 나 다음달부터 자취 하니까 우리집에서 같이 옵치하자 . I’m going to live by myself starting next month. Come over and play Overwatch with me. ‘ 방 ’ means ‘ room ’. ex) 여기가 내 방 이야 . This is my room . ‘ 민폐 ’ means ‘ rude behaviors (especially of those that bother many people) ,’ ‘ pain in the neck ,’ or ‘ selfish ’. ex) 너 아까부터 반찬 다섯번 이나 리필 했잖아 . 완전 민폐 야 . You’ve asked them to refill your side dishes five times already. You’re being a pain in the neck (You’re making their lives difficult ).   ‘ 특 ’ is an abbreviation for ‘ 특징 ,’ which means ‘ characteristic(s) ’. ex) 모솔 특 ( Characteristics of those who have never dated anyone before) In the video, a guy in a burgundy shirt invites all of his drunk friends over to his apartment, where he lives with a roommate. The guy in white shirt complains, ‘ 야 , 왜 여자 있다고 말 안 했냐 ? 나 민채한테 죽는다고 . (Hey...

[Korean Culture & Language] Belittle someone

Hello, this is Uptempo! ‘ 깎다 ’ in Korean means ‘ to carve ’ or ‘ to cut off ’. ‘ 내리다 ’ means ‘ pull down ’. ‘ 깎아내리다 ’ means ‘ to put someone down ’ or to ‘ degrade/belittle someone ’ There is a YouTube shorts titled:  ‘ 나를 깎아내리는 친구 ,’ which means ‘A friend who puts me down’. It is a snippet of the following video below. https://youtu.be/m1UFbiLlgPI A: 소연아 , 너 이번에 성적 장학금 탄다며 ? A: So-yeon, I heard that you’re got a scholarship. B: 응 B: Yeah. C: 아 진짜 ? 장학금 ? 너 학점 몇 점 받았는데 ? C: Oh, really? A scholarship? What’s your GPA? B: 나 4.4 B: I got a 4.4 C: 너가 ? 어떻게 ? C: You? How? B: 아 , 그냥 뭐 운이 좋았지 B: Oh, I was just lucky. A: 대박이다 !. 축하해 , 진짜 . 너 너무 멋있는 거 아니야 ? A: Super! Congratulations. Seriously. You’re amazing! B: 고마워용 ~ 아니 , 이번엔 진짜 운이 좋았고 . 내가 학점 잘 주는 것만 골라 들어가지고 진짜 겨우 받은거야 . Thank you. I mean, I was quite lucky. I only took the classes in which I could get good grades. I barely made it. C: 아 , 진짜 ? 그러면 너 잘 못하는 발표 수업은 안 들었나보네 . C: Oh, yeah? Then you mos...

[Korean Culture & Language] To Create Drama

Hello, this is Uptempo! The word ‘ 뒤집다 ’ has many different definitions: 1. Something is inside out Ex) “ 너 셔츠 뒤집어 입었어 ” “Your shirt is inside out .” 2. To flip Ex) 손목을 움직이지 않고 손바닥 뒤집는 법 How to flip your hand without moving your wrist 3. To mess up something completely by putting it in disorder Ex) 안경 찾는다고 집안을 완전 뒤집어 놓았네 . She turned the whole house upside down looking for her glasses. 4. Make a big deal out of something that was previously unimportant. Make drama out of something Ex) 너 맨날 유리가 거짓말 쳤다고 뒤집어 놓더니 , 거짓말은 너가 했구나 You’ve always made a big deal out of Yuri lying to us. But you were the one who lied. Today, ‘ 뒤집다 ’ can be used as slang that refers to something remarkable or mind-blowing. Ex) 와 , 이번에 BTS 가 무대를 뒤집어 놓았다 Wow, BTS has turned the stage upside down this time (= Their show was incredible/mind-blowing ) https://youtu.be/R9At2ICm4LQ Red Velvet released their new song ‘Feel My Rhythm’ on March 21, 2022. The first lines of the song go: ‘ 무도회를 뒤...

[Korean Culture & Language] Looking for...

Hello, this is Uptempo! It would be counterproductive to look for meat on a tree. There’s an old idiom in Korea, ‘ 나무에서 고기를 찾는다 ’. It is translated to ‘ Looking for meat on a tree ’. It describes a situation in which someone makes a valiant effort to accomplish something that appears to be impossible . It is often used on someone who is trying to do something silly and ineffective. Photo by   niko photos   on   Unsplash A: 나 존이 너무 잘생긴 것 같아 . 내일 저녁 같이 먹을 수 있는지 물어보려구 .. A: I think John is so cute. I’m going to ask if he wants to have dinner with me tomorrow. B: 너 다정한 사람 좋아하잖아 . 존은 그런 스타일이 아닌데 ? B: You like sweet guys. John isn’t sweet. A: 원래는 다정한 사람 아닌거 나도 아는데 , 혹시라도 데이트 하면 다르지 않을까 ? A: I know he’s not naturally sweet. But he might be when he’s on a date? B: 에이 설마 … 나무에서 고기를 찾는게 낫겠다 … B: I doubt it… It seems more realistic to look for meat on a tree … Photo by   Anastasia Taioglou   on   Unsplash

[Korean Culture & Language] Can't see the forest for the trees

Hello, this is Uptempo! Westerners say ‘ One can’t see the forest for the trees ’ when someone is too preoccupied with the details of a problem that they can’t see the situation as a whole. It usually implies that the person is confused, unable to think clearly, or unable to complete a more important task because they are focused on something less important.   Koreans say ‘ 대들보 썩는 줄 모르고 기왓장 아끼는 격 ’ 대들보 means pillar 썩다 means getting rotten 기왓장 means roofing tile 아끼다 means trying to save 격 refers to ‘ a situation ’ It is translated as ‘ Trying to save roofing tiles while failing to realize that the pillar is rotting ’. The idiom describes one’s foolish behavior of focusing on a less important subject, which leads them to forget about the more important matter, resulting in a huge loss in the future. Similar Korean idiom is ‘ 막걸리 거르려다 지게미도 못 건진다 ’.   막걸리 is Korea’s oldest alcoholic beverage, prepared from rice and a Korean fermentation starter called Nuruk. With s...

[Korean Culture & Language] School Lunch

Hello, this is Uptempo! The word ‘ 급식 ’ originally means ‘ providing meals ’. For example, if you went over to your friend’s place and their mom cooked you dinner, it would be considered ‘ 급식 ’. However, today, the term is exclusively used to refer to ‘ school meals ’ or ‘ school lunch ’ served in elementary, middle, and high schools.   https://youtu.be/H_0RThINqcc Ex) 오늘 급식 메뉴 뭔지 아는 사람 ? 오늘 means today 급식 means school lunch 메뉴 means menu 아는 means to know 사람 means a person = Does anyone know what today’s school lunch menu is? Many ‘ 급식팬 (kids fans) ’ may be found on social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, and Tiktok. They often use ‘ 급식체 ,’ which literally means ‘ a language/slang commonly used by elementary, middle, and high school students ’. ㅁㅎ , ㄱㅇㄷ , ㄱㄲ , ㅇㅈ , ㅇㅈ ? ㅇ ㅇㅈ , and ㄴㅇㅈ are some of the most commonly used 급식체 . Ex) A: 내일 ㅁㅎ ? 내일 means tomorrow , ㅁㅎ ? is an abbreviation for 뭐해 ? , which means ‘ What are you up to? ’ or ‘ What are you d...