[Korean Culture & Language] Belittle someone
Hello, this is Uptempo!
‘깎다’ in Korean means ‘to carve’ or ‘to cut off’. ‘내리다’ means ‘pull down’.
‘깎아내리다’ means ‘to put someone down’ or to ‘degrade/belittle someone’
There is a YouTube shorts titled: ‘나를 깎아내리는 친구,’ which means ‘A friend who puts me down’. It is a snippet of the following video below.
A: 소연아, 너 이번에 성적 장학금 탄다며?
A: So-yeon, I heard that you’re got a scholarship.
B: 응
B: Yeah.
C: 아 진짜? 장학금? 너 학점 몇 점 받았는데?
C: Oh, really? A scholarship? What’s your GPA?
B: 나 4.4
B: I got a 4.4
C: 너가? 어떻게?
C: You? How?
B: 아, 그냥 뭐 운이 좋았지
B: Oh, I was just lucky.
A: 대박이다!. 축하해, 진짜. 너 너무 멋있는 거 아니야?
A: Super! Congratulations. Seriously. You’re amazing!
B: 고마워용~ 아니, 이번엔 진짜 운이 좋았고. 내가 학점 잘 주는 것만 골라 들어가지고 진짜 겨우 받은거야.
Thank you. I mean, I was quite lucky. I only took the classes in which I could get good grades. I barely made it.
C: 아, 진짜? 그러면 너 잘 못하는 발표 수업은 안 들었나보네.
C: Oh, yeah? Then you most likely did not take any classes that require presentation skills.
B: 뭐, 그렇지
B: Uh, right.
C: 음… 근데 내 생각엔 너가 잘 못하는 것들도 계속 연습하고 부딪혀야 나중에 잘 하게 될 것 같은데?
C: Hmm… Don’t you think you should try things that you’re not good at? You should get used to them so you can improve.
Have you ever had any ‘friends’ who appear to be happier when you fail or go through a difficult period than when you succeed? This indicates that they are not real friends. True friends(진짜친구/찐친) don't try to belittle(깎아내리다) or criticize others for the sake of making themselves feel superior or to make others feel small.
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