[Korean Culture & Language] School Lunch
Hello, this is Uptempo!
The word ‘급식’ originally means ‘providing meals’. For example, if you went over to your friend’s place and their mom cooked you dinner, it would be considered ‘급식’.
However, today, the term is exclusively used to refer to ‘school meals’ or ‘school lunch’ served in elementary, middle, and high schools.
Ex) 오늘 급식 메뉴 뭔지 아는 사람?
오늘 means today
급식 means school lunch
메뉴 means menu
아는 means to know
사람 means a person
= Does anyone know what today’s school lunch menu is?
Many ‘급식팬(kids fans)’ may be found on social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, and Tiktok. They often use ‘급식체,’ which literally means ‘a language/slang commonly used by elementary, middle, and high school students’. ㅁㅎ, ㄱㅇㄷ, ㄱㄲ, ㅇㅈ, ㅇㅈ? ㅇ ㅇㅈ, and ㄴㅇㅈ are some of the most commonly used 급식체.
A: 내일 ㅁㅎ?
내일 means tomorrow,
ㅁㅎ? is an abbreviation for 뭐해?, which means ‘What are you up to?’ or ‘What are you doing?’
A: What are you doing tomorrow?/Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
B: 숙제 다 해서 내일 하루 종일 게임 할 수 있어!
숙제 means homework,
다 means all
해서 means did
내일 means tomorrow
하루 종일 means all-day
게임 means game
할수 있다 means can
B: I finished my homework, so I can play games all day!
A: 오, ㄱㄲ
‘ㄱㄲ' is an abbreviation for ‘개 꿀’ which is directly translated as ‘dog honey’ but actually means ‘sweet’. ‘개(dog)’ is often added to a word to emphasize how good or bad something is.
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