[Korean Culture & Language] To Create Drama
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The word ‘뒤집다’ has many different definitions:
1. Something is inside out
Ex) “너 셔츠 뒤집어 입었어”
“Your shirt is inside out.”
2. To flip
Ex) 손목을 움직이지 않고 손바닥 뒤집는 법
How to flip your hand without moving your wrist
3. To mess up something completely by putting it in disorder
Ex) 안경 찾는다고 집안을 완전 뒤집어 놓았네.
She turned the whole house upside down looking for her glasses.
4. Make a big deal out of something that was previously unimportant.
Make drama out of something
Ex) 너 맨날 유리가 거짓말 쳤다고 뒤집어 놓더니, 거짓말은 너가 했구나
You’ve always made a big deal out of Yuri lying to us. But you were the one who lied.
Today, ‘뒤집다’ can be used as slang that refers to something remarkable or mind-blowing.
Ex) 와, 이번에 BTS가 무대를 뒤집어 놓았다
Wow, BTS has turned the stage upside down this time (= Their show was incredible/mind-blowing)
Red Velvet released their new song ‘Feel My Rhythm’ on March 21, 2022.
The first lines of the song go: ‘무도회를 뒤집어 (We have turned the ballroom upside down – We were the most incredible ones at the party),’ ‘작은 소란을 또 일으켜(We create drama)’.
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