[Korean Culture & Language] Pain in the Neck
Hello, this is Uptempo!
The following video is titled: 자취방 민폐 특
‘자취’ means ‘to live by oneself’.
ex) 나 다음달부터 자취하니까 우리집에서 같이 옵치하자.
I’m going to live by myself starting next month. Come over and play Overwatch with me.
‘방’ means ‘room’.
ex) 여기가 내 방이야.
This is my room.
‘민폐’ means ‘rude behaviors (especially of those that bother many people),’ ‘pain in the neck,’ or ‘selfish’.
ex) 너 아까부터 반찬 다섯번 이나 리필 했잖아. 완전 민폐야.
You’ve asked them to refill your side dishes five times already. You’re being a pain in the neck (You’re making their lives difficult).
‘특’ is an abbreviation for ‘특징,’ which means ‘characteristic(s)’.
ex) 모솔 특 (Characteristics of those who have never dated anyone before)
In the video, a guy in a burgundy shirt invites all of his drunk friends over to his apartment, where he lives with a roommate. The guy in white shirt complains, ‘야, 왜 여자 있다고 말 안 했냐? 나 민채한테 죽는다고. (Hey, why didn’t you tell me that there was a girl in the group? Min-Chae is going to kill me)’. He continues, ‘물은 또 왜 새거를 까? 남은 것도 있는데 (And why are you opening that water bottle? There are leftovers’.
The guy in burgundy shirt responds, ‘예나 조금 있다가 갈거야 (She is living soon)’.
The friends stayed for days, drank, made a huge mess, and didn't even clean up after themselves before leaving. They were the true 민폐.
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