[Korean Culture & Language] Do I look like a ___ to you?
Hello, this is Uptempo! There are many YouTube videos titled , “ 왜요 ? 제가 ____ 처럼 생겼나요 ?” The first video is titled, “ 왜요 ? 제가 음치처럼 생겼나요 ?” “ 왜요 ?” means “Why?” or “What?” “ 제가 ” means “I” “ 음치 ” means “tone-deaf” “ 처럼 ” means “like” “ 생겼나요 ” means “Do I look” The title is translated to “Why? (What?) Do I look tone-deaf to you?” Since no one can actually tell if someone is tone-deaf simply by looking at their appearance, this question was meant to be a joke. The below question asks, “Which of the following is the original statement of ‘Why? do I look like a _____ to you?’” 왜요 ? 제가 빌보드 핫백 1 위 팬처럼 생겼나요 ? (Why? Do I look like the number one Billboard Hot 100 fan to you?) 왜요 ? 제가 복권 당첨된 사람처럼 생겼나요 ? (Why? Do I look like someone who would win the lottery to you?) 왜요 ? 제가 하하 엄마처럼 생겼나요 ? (Why? Do I look like Haha’s mom to you?) 왜요 ? 제가 기말고사 앞둔 대학생처럼 생겼나요 ? (Why? Do I look like a college student who is about to take their final exam to you?) The answer is ...