[Korean Culture & Language] INFPs and ENFJs

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Many people got bored as a result of the COVID-19 quarantine, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has become increasingly popular in Korea.

ENFJs and INFPs are known to be very compatible with each other and have great chemistry together.

The below video is an interesting illustration of how INFPs and ENFJs become friends or romantic partners:


이 놈은 친구 사귀는 방법이라곤 간택 당하는 것 뿐인 INFP 한 마리 입니다.

This is an INFP who doesn’t know how to make friends other than by being chosen by others.

녀석은 주목을 받으면 쓰레기통인 척 하는 습성이 있습니다.
When she gets others’ attention, she poses as a trash can.

이놈은 INFP 콜렉터 ENFJ 한 마리 입니다.
This is an ENFJ, the INFP collector.

녀석은 자신의 주머니에 INFP를 모으는 습성이 있습니다.
He has a habit of collecting INFPs in his pocket.

그 때 그는 사냥감을 발견합니다.
Then he spots a prey.

곤란한 상황을을 겪은 인프피 한 마리.
INFP is facing a challenging situation.

녀석은 인프피 주변을 맴돌다 기가막힌 타이밍에 도움을 줍니다.
ENFJ keeps himself around INFP and helps her at a perfect time.
(기가막히다 means ‘breath-taking,’ ‘terrific,’ or ‘perfect’)

인프피야 괜찮아? 사람이 실수할 수도 있지. 넌 최선을 다 했어. 다음에 더 잘 할거야. 내가 도와줄게.
INFP, are you okay? People make mistakes. You have done your best. You’ll do better next time. I’ll help you.

엔프제의 덫에 걸려 감동한 녀석. “친절하고 강한 사람”
INFP gets deeply touched and perceives ENFJ as ‘friendly and strong’.

자신에게 친절한 사람이라는 것을 인식한 녀석은 먼저 인사를 건넵니다.
Once an INFP perceives ENFJ as a nice person, she says hello to him first.

INFP가 먼저 인사를 하다니…! 감동

ENFJ is touched when INFP says hello first. 

이제 이 인프피는 쟤 겁니다.

Now this INFP belongs to the ENFJ.

What MBTI type are you? If you are an INFP or ENFJ, do you agree with this scenario?


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