[Korean Culture & Language] Impulsiveness and MBTI

Hello, this is Uptempo!

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has become increasingly popular in Korea in 2020, owing to people’s boredom due to the COVID-19 quarantine. Since the spring, MBTI feeds have been readily available on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. 

Below is a popular meme titled ‘#MBTI 충동 (MBTI Impulsiveness)’. This meme jokingly illustrates how ‘충동적인(impulsive)’ each MBTI types are.


It reads:

전혀 충동적이지 않음 (Not impulsive at all): ENTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ

평균적으로 충동적임 (Average impulsivity): INTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

너무 충동적 (Very impulsive): INTP, INFP, ISTP, ISFP

엄청나게 충동적 (Extremely impulsive): ENTP, ENFP, ESTP, ESFP

전혀 means ‘not at all,’ 평균적으로 means ‘to an average level,’ 너무 means ‘very,엄청나게 means ‘extremely’.


The above meme is another illustration of impulsiveness by MBTI types.

ENFP says “요즘 자수가 너무 배우고 싶어(I want to learn how to embroider). 근데 소묘도 배워보고 싶은데(I also want to take drawing classes). 아니다 요가를 배워보자(No, wait. Should I learn yoga?). 안그래도 요즘 허리가 아픈데 요가가 직빵이랬어(I heard that yoga is good for the back. It’s been aching a lot lately). 하고 싶은건 많은데 열정이 금방 식어버리니 …(I have so many things I want to try, but I always lose my passion so easily…)”

ISTJ says “Umm… You’ve tried so many things last time and didn’t finish anything. What about finishing those first?”

ENFP replies, “Oh that’s right. Thank you for reminding me”.

The next day, ENFP says, “ISTJ, Thank you for your advice. I just wanted to try everything so I applied for everything! Now I have embroidery, drawing, and yoga classes!”

What is your MBTI type? Do you agree that there’s a relationship between the 충동성(impulsivity) and MBTI types? 


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