[Korean Culture & Language] Fact-checking
Hello, this is Uptempo! As a result of people’s boredom due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popularity of MBTI has surged in Korea. MBTI feeds are everywhere, on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Below is a popular meme that is titled ‘ ENFJ팩트체크 ’ https://nelna.shop/board/?q=YToxOntzOjEyOiJrZXl3b3JkX3R5cGUiO3M6MzoiYWxsIjt9&bmode=view&idx=3624727&t=board 팩트체크 means fact-checking The following are a few of the factors that are mentioned in the list: 사전 계획을 잘 세움 Good at planning ahead of time 사전 means in advance 계획 세우다 means to plan 잘 means well or good at 강한 추진력 Highly driven 강한 means strong 추진력 means driven 뛰어난 표현력 Good at expressing oneself 뛰어나다 means excellent 표현력 means expressing skills 타인에게 마음을 잘 여는 편 Open their hearts to others fairly easily 타인 means others 마음 means heart 잘 means easily or well 여는 means open 편 means fairly 타인의 비판에 민감한 편 Rather sensitive to others’ criticism 비판 means criticism 민감 means sensitive 편 means rather 현실보다는 이...