[Korean Culture & Language] To 'borrow' an opportunity

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빌리다’ usually means ‘to borrow’ in Korean. However, it can also mean ‘borrowing’ a situation/opportunity. For example, you can say “이 자리를 빌려 감사의 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다”. It means “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you”.

빌리다 can mean:

1. 나중에 갚거나 돌려주기로 하고 얼마 동안 가져다가 쓰다.
1. To use something after promising the owner to return it later.

Ex) Amanda 한테서 10불 빌렸어.
I borrowed $10 from Amanda

2. 나중에 받기로 하고 얼마 동안 쓰도록 하다.
2. To give someone permission to use something after getting a promise that they’ll return it. 

Ex) 내가 빌려준 책 언제 줄 수 있어?
When can you return the books that I loaned you?

3. 혼자서 하기 어렵거나 제 의지대로 하기 힘든 일을 하는 데에 받아들이는 상태가 되다.
3. To use something when it is difficult to do on one’s own.

A: 이거 어떻게 했어? 이 분야는 너 잘 못하잖아.
A: How did you do this? I know you’re unfamiliar with these things.
B: 인터넷의 힘을 빌렸지!
B: I used the internet for assistance.

Real Love, OH MY GIRL’s second Korean full-length album that was released on March 28, 2022, ranked #13 on the global iTunes album chart and #85 on the European iTunes album list. The word ‘빌리다’ appears frequently in its lyrics:

우린 이 음악을 빌려
I would like to take this music as an excuse/opportunity to…

분위기를 빌려
I would like to take this atmosphere as an excuse/opportunity to…

지금 이 공기
This air that we’re breathing now

이건 마치 7시간 비행 뒤 만난 것 같은 섬
It’s like an island that we faced after 7 hours of flight.

pink빛 하늘을 빌려
We take this pink sky as an excuse/opportunity…

사랑을 말하기 이보다 완벽한 밤은 없어
There’s no finer evening than this perfect evening to confess my love for you.


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