[Korean Culture & Language] Fact-checking

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As a result of people’s boredom due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popularity of MBTI has surged in Korea. MBTI feeds are everywhere, on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Below is a popular meme that is titled ‘ENFJ팩트체크


팩트체크 means fact-checking

The following are a few of the factors that are mentioned in the list:

사전 계획을 잘 세움
Good at planning ahead of time

사전 means in advance
계획 세우다 means to plan
means well or good at

강한 추진력
Highly driven

강한 means strong
추진력 means driven

뛰어난 표현력
Good at expressing oneself

뛰어나다 means excellent
표현력 means expressing skills

타인에게 마음을 잘 여는 편
Open their hearts to others fairly easily

타인 means others
마음 means heart
means easily or well
여는 means open
means fairly

타인의 비판에 민감한 편
Rather sensitive to others’ criticism

비판 means criticism
민감 means sensitive
means rather

현실보다는 이상 추구
Idealist, rather than a realist

현실 means realism
이상 means ideal

화가 나도 참는 편
Tend to not express anger

means anger
참는 means not express

칭찬을 받으면 더 열심히 함
Try harder when they get a compliment

칭찬 means compliment
받다 means receive
열심히 means harder

거절을 잘 못하는 편
Tend to be a pushover

거절 means reject 

모든 사람에게 사랑받고 싶음
Wants to be loved by everyone

모든사람 means everyone

사랑받다 means to be loved


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