[Korean Culture & Language] Release from Quarantine

Hello, this is Uptempo Marketers!

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues for two years, many artists write about the pandemic. 

격리해제 (Code clear),’ sang by sixty-two artists and was released on January 14th, 2021, illustrates how people deal with the pandemic. The term ‘격리해제 is actually translated to ‘Release from quarantine’. It is sung by the most popular rappers in Korea. 

Some of the most well-known artists who sang it are YDG, Simon Dominic, Loco, Bewhy, Punchnello, Tiger JK, Woo Won-jae, Moon, Gaeko, Nucksal, Choiza, Leellamarz, Verbal Jint, Khundi Panda, Layone, Lee Young-ji, and Wonstein.

The song begins with the Chorus, which is sung by YDG, one of Korea’s earliest hip-hop musicians and is known as the ‘Hip-hop daddy’.

[Chorus: YDG]
Mask off, 주인공 buff
Mask off, main character buff

K-hip-hoper가 주는 vaccine stuff
The vaccination provided by K-hip-hoper

신약 party해 (지금)
We are having a party with a new pill

네 머리에 memory해 (Right now)
Keep this in your memory (Right now)

내가 원하는 것은(격리해제)
What I want is (release from quarantine)

우리가원하는 것은 (격리해제)
What we want is (release from quarantine)

[Verse 1: Simon Dominic]
마스크쓰고 녹음하지, 음, 혹시 몰라서
I record the music with my mask on. Umm, just in case.

웬만하면 집에박혀있네, 매일 조심을 하고
I try to stay home and be cautious every day

하루에도 수십 번 손 씻고 소독제를 짜지,뿌악
I wash my hands a dozen times and squeeze out the hand sanitizer (squirt)

대신감기는안 걸려, 갈일 없는 이비인후과
At least I don’t catch colds or have to visit an ENT clinic anymore.

Covid 19, 살아서 만나자 모두들
COVID-19, everyone, stays alive until the day we meet again.

[Verse 2: Loco]
삭제된 2020, 그래도 여전히 침이 튄 Phone 가지고 인천에서 부터 작업실
2020 has been completely deleted. But I’m still going to my studio from In-Cheon with my phone that’s covered in my respiratory droplets.

[Verse 4: punchnello]
머리가 아파와 묶여있네 집안, yeah I'm fed up
I’m stuck at home due to a headache

…우리 모두가 locked up
We’re all locked up
앞으로 가지 시원한 공기 마시며 벽을 깨부숴
Let’s break the walls, go forward, and take a deep breath of fresh air.

We never had to worry about breathing in the fresh air, before the pandemic. However, even simple needs as such have become difficult to meet due to COVID-19. Hopefully, it will vanish soon, and we won’t have to be scared and sanitize our hands every time we touch something in public.



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