[Korean Culture & Language] Setting goals that only last three days
The below video that has received 5k likes is titled “작심하루 – 오전 8시에 일어나는 아침형 인간으로 살아봤습니다… 과연 아침형 인간으로 살 수 있을까?”
It is translated to: “Setting a goal that we can only keep for one day – We tried to wake up at 8 am… Will we survive as early birds?”
Setting resolutions or goals to improve our habits or lifestyles is not difficult, but it can be tough to follow through with them. There’s an expression in Korea, “작심삼일.” It is directly translated to “to make up one’s mind (or set a goal) and one only tries to keep it for less than three days.”
The word ‘작심삼일’ is made up of four Chinese characters: ‘作心三日.’
作 (작) means 'to produce' or 'to grow'
心 (심) means ‘heart’ or ‘spirit’
三 (삼) means ‘three’
日 (일) means ‘sun’ or ‘day’
A: 우리 수업 끝나고 치킨 먹으러 가자!
A: Let’s grab some fried chicken after class!
B: 너 어제부터 다이어트한다고 하지 않았어?
B: Didn’t you say you started your diet yesterday?
A: 아, 몰랐어? 나 항상 다이어트한다고 하고 작심삼일이잖아…
A: Oh, you didn’t know? I always say I’m on a diet, but it only lasts a few days (less than three days).
Do you ever set goals that only last a few days? What kind of goals are they?
Please share your story in the comment section below!
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