[Korean Culture & Language] One-Breath Challenge

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It has long been known that holding one’s breath unconsciously is bad for one’s health. However, studies have found that holding a breath can have health benefits. It can not only help expand one’s lung capacity but also extend one’s lifespan by keeping their stem cells healthy.

Recently, ‘한호흡챌린지(one-breath challenge)’ videos, where people record themselves trying to talk or sing in one breath, have become popular on social networks.

Jang Won-young, a famous singer and model, also tried the ‘한호흡챌린지 (One-breath challenge)’ on a show, and the resulting video clip gained a lot of attention.


She says in one breath.

“안녕하세요. 반갑습니다.” means “Hi, Nice to meet you.”

“지금부터 한 호흡에 한 글자도 틀리지 않고 말하기 정확하게 하기한 호흡 챌린지를 시작하겠습니다.” means “Let me start the ‘one-breath challenge’ where I should speak every word clearly in one breath with no mistake.”

“도대체 이걸 왜 하느냐 이렇게 하면 말하기의 유연성을 키울수 있기 때문인데요.” means “Why should we do this? It’s to help us improve the fluency in speaking”

‘유연성’ in Korean usually means ‘flexibility,’ but it is used as ‘fluency’ in this case. 

“말하기의 유연성이란 말하기를 버벅거리지 않고 자연스럽고 유연하게 말 할 수 있는 능력을 일컫는 말인데요.” means “Fluency in speaking refers to the ability to speak fluently without stumbling over one’s words.”

“보통 말하기를 잘 하는 사람들이 말하기 유연성이 좋은 사람입니다.” means “Those who are good speakers are the ones who have fluency in speaking.”

“그리고 호흡이길어지면 길어질수록 안정감있는 목소리도 낼 수가 있죠.” means “The longer you can hold your breath, the more stable your voice can be.”

“여러분도 한 번 도전해보시기 바랍니다.” means “You should try it, too.”

“지금까지 말하기 한 호흡 챌린지였습니다. 감사합니다.” means “That was the ‘one-breath challenge’. Thank you.”

Have you ever tried to sing a song or complete a lengthy sentence in 한 호흡(one breath)?


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