[Korean Culture & Language] The Amazon Express
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Everland is South Korea’s biggest theme park, located at the Everland Resort in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. One of their popular rides named ‘아마존(Amazon Express)’ is a rafting expedition like Kali River Rapids at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park of the Walt Disney World resort. It is famous for leaving everyone soaked after a ride.
One part-time employee at Everland has recently been promoted to a full-time employee after making a rap/song for the ‘Amazon Express.’
Below are some of the lyrics from the rap she made:
내 앞에 있는 안내 근무자의 안내를 받아 한 자리에 두분 씩 한 보트에 열 분이서
A guide in front of you will direct you. Two people in one seat. Ten people on one boat.
머리 젖습니다
Your hair will be wet
옷도 젖습니다
Your clothes will also be wet
신발 젖습니다
Your shoes will be wet
양말까지 젖습니다
Your socks will be wet
옷 머리 신발 양말 다 다 젖습니다
Your clothes, hair, shoes, socks, everything will be wet.
물에 젖고 물만 맞는 여기는 아마존
This is Amazon where you will be hit by water and get wet.
아 마 (아) 존조로존조로존
Ama, zon-zon, zon
옷 옷 옷
Clothes, clothes, clothes,
신발이 양말이 다다 다다 젖습니다
Shoes, socks, they will be all wet.
나가시는 출구는 왼쪽에 뒤쪽
The exit is to your left at the back
옷 말리는 것도 왼쪽에 뒤쪽
If you want to dry your clothes, please go to your left and back.
천천히 걸어서만 이동해주세요
Please walk slowly
엄마 아빠 아들 따님 다 다 젖습니다
Moms, dads, sons, and daughters, they will all get wet.
남자친구 여자친구 다 다 젖는겁니다
Boyfriend, and girlfriend, they will also get wet.
형부 처제 처형 처남 까지 다 젖는
Brother-in-law, sister-in-law, it doesn’t matter. Everyone gets wet in Amazon.
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