[Korean Culture & Language] National Rule
Hello, this is Uptempo!
There are rules or standards of behavior shared by members of a social group. Even though those rules aren’t written down or outspoken, most people know and follow them. For example, it’s a social norm to not look at other photos when someone hands you their phone to show you a picture.
‘국룰’ directly translates to ‘national rule’. However, it actually refers to ‘unspoken/unwritten rules,’ ‘interesting facts,’ ‘social norms' or ‘trends’ that everyone follows. It is used in a casual statement to highlight that something is a ‘must’.
At the beginning of the video below, they say that there are ‘한국인의 버스 국룰 (unspoken rules regarding buses in Korea)’.
스팸엔 흰쌀밥이 국룰이지! (It’s a norm to eat spam with white rice!/You must eat white rice with spam!)
자매 국룰: 쇼핑하다가 예뻐서 사려다가 언니가 안 예쁘다고 하면 갑자기 사기 싫어짐 (An interesting fact about sisters: Let’s say I went shopping with my sister and came across something I liked. But if my older sister says it is ugly, I’d lose my interest in it.)
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