[Korean Culture & Language] Iron plate on one’s face
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In Western cultures, ‘to be thick-skinned’ means ‘to be unaffected by criticism and rejection’. People with ‘thick skin’ are usually mentally tough. ‘Being thick skinned’ is often considered an admirable and useful quality since it allows people to not take things personally when others express their feelings. It makes it easier for people to be themselves when they’re with them, just as they are when they are with others.
Similar expressions exist in Korea, such as ‘얼굴(낯)이 두껍다(One has a thick face)’ or ‘얼굴에 철판을 깔다 (One lays an iron plate on one’s face)’. These expressions also describe someone who is unaffected by criticism and unconcerned about what others think of them. In Korea, however, it has a more negative connotation. It indicates that they are unafraid to act in ways that others may find disrespectful.
‘역대급 철판 깐 빈대’ is the title of the video below.
‘역대급’ means ‘of all time,’ ‘철판 깐‘ means ‘who has put an iron plate on one’s face (shameless),’ and ‘빈대’ means ‘bedbug(s)’.
빈대(bedbugs) in Korea usually refer to someone who mooches off others. They usually live off the generosity of others, without providing any kind of benefit in return.
In the video, a ‘friend’ requests free food from the narrator, whose mom owns and operates a snack bar. The ‘friend’ orders an enormous amount of food that she couldn’t even finish only because she knew the girl’s mother would provide food for free for her daughter’s friend. When the ‘friend’ asked if she can get free food again when she brings more friends next time, the YouTubers become enraged and accuse her of being the biggest ‘빈대(bedbug)’ of ‘역대급(all-time)’ who ‘철판 깐(is shameless)’ in taking advantage of others.
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