[Korean Culture & Language] How to Avoid Being a Loser
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록시(Roxy) is a Korean YouTuber with 25.2k subscribers, who describes herself as a 언니(older sister) who has dated 200 men and offers advice and suggestions to her audience’.
In the video below, she instructs the audience on ‘what not to do after a breakup,’ especially with one’s ‘프사 or 프로필 사진’.
‘프사’ is an abbreviation of ‘프로필 사진,’ which refers to ‘profile picture’. She warns audiences not to ‘카톡 프사를 이용해서 상대를 자극하기 (change their profile pictures in an attempt to manipulate their ex’s feelings)’. ‘자극하다’ originally means ‘to stimulate’ or ‘to spark one’s interest’. In this particular situation, it means ‘to spark one’s interest’ or ‘to manipulate one’s feelings’.
She goes on to say that one should not post on social media about ‘얼마나 화가 났는지(how upset they are), 너 없이도 잘 산다는 것(how well they are without their ex), or 다른 이성과 노는 것 티내기 (or share pictures of them hanging out with other opposite-sex friends) after the breakup.
She claims that acting in this manner will only make one look like a ‘찌질한 전여친/전남친 (a loser ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend).
‘찌질한’ means ‘loser,’ ‘전여친’ means ‘an ex-girlfriend,’ and ‘전남친’ means ‘an ex-boyfriend’.
She goes on to add that texting them and expressing you miss them or inviting them to meet up is preferable to posting stuff on social media.
Have you ever had a 찌질한 전여친 or 찌질한 전남친? What were their reactions to a breakup?
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