[Korean Culture & Language] Pride

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Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Apple has unveiled a new Apple Watch Pride Edition band and dynamic watch face in May 2021. Because it combines a larger range of colors inspired by Pride flags that have symbolized the LGBTQ+ community, it has become really popular.

However, ‘Apple pride’ has a different meaning in Korea. 아이폰(애플) 부심(iPhone/Apple Pride)’ means ‘to take excessive pride in owning an apple product or an iPhone’.


A: 내 핸드폰 배터리 다 됐다. 너 충전기 있어? 

My phone is dying. Do you have a charger?

B: 폰 어떤건데? 아이폰이야?

What kind of phone do you have? Is it an iPhone?

A: 아니, 내 거 갤럭시 21

No. Mine is Galaxy 21.

B: 왜 아이폰 안 써? 갤럭시 별로야.

Why do you not have an iPhone? Samsung sucks.

A: 너도 아이폰 부심 있어? 좀 심하다. 

Are you one of those people with an ‘iPhone pride’? That’s a shame.

Photo by Artem Page on Unsplash

There are various types of 부심s, such as 차 부심(Taking pride in the kind of car they drive/own), 키부심(Taking pride in their height), 맵부심(Taking pride in how spicy they can eat), and even 굽부심 (Taking pride in how well they can grill meat). The people who have 차 부심 are usually those who drive/own 외제차(imported automobiles) or 슈퍼카 (Supercars).

Even though ‘부심’ describes a situation where someone displays excessive ego, the word doesn’t necessarily have a negative connotation. Rather, it is often used among friends as a joke.

While humility(겸손) has long been one of the most important characteristics expected of in a person in Korean culture, things have changed today, and ‘자부심 (pride)’ has become one of the most significant qualities in a person. It’s always important to maintain a sense of balance in one’s life. It would be ideal if you can strike a healthy balance between humility and pride.


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