Rhyming in Korean - VVS
Hello, this is Uptempo Marketers!
The song is recognized for its amazing rhyming.
더 크게 Callin’ ma name
Louder, Callin’ my name (더 크게 means louder)
모두 날 보고 놀래
Everyone’s surprised to see me (놀래 means to be surprised)
‘미란이가 TV에’
Miranni is on TV! (에 means on)
떼버려 Tag
Take off the Tag (떼버려 means to take off)
사 새롭게 Yeah yeah
Buy new things, Yeah yeah (사 means to buy, 새롭게 means new)
타고 비행
Flying up high(비행 means flying)
The above six lines end with words that sound like ‘eh’: Name, 놀래, 에, Tag, Yeah, and 비행.
Skrr skrr 난 올라가
Skrr skrr I go up (올라 means up, 가 means go)
Skrr skrr 난 빛이 나
SKrr Skrr I’m shining (빛이 나 means shining)
내가 뭐라 했어 Mom
What did I tell you, mom?
꺼내겠다고 포차
I said I’ll get you out of the bar
The above four lines end with words that have ‘Ah’ sounds: 올라가, 빛이 나, mom, 포차
Because hip hop has grown in popularity in Korea, being able to rhyme well can make you popular. Try rhyming with some Korean words today.
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