[Korean Culture & Language] Blood type and personality in Korea

Hello, this is Uptempo Marketers!

One of the most popular ice breaker questions in Korea is “혈액형이 뭐에요? (What is your blood type?)”. It’s also normal to try and guess each other’s blood type. “혈액형 맞춰볼게요! (Let me guess your blood type!)” 

It would definitely be a weird question for Westerners because the only time you would ask someone of their blood type is to find a match for a blood transfusion

However, blood types are to Koreans what astrology is to Westerners: a fun way to guess someone's personality and temperament. 

Type As are believed to be cooperative and cautious but uptight and stubborn; type Bs are believed to be cheerful and optimistic but unreliable; type Os are supposed to be confident and ambitious but aggressive and arrogant; ABs are believed to be intelligent and rational but indecisive and unforgiving 

[스피드훈] 카카오톡 이모티콘 - 혈액형에 관한 간단한 고찰 : 네이버 블로그 (naver.com)

Some employers even used to ask their candidates’ blood types at job interviews. 

However, it has become illegal to collect this information since 2019, because it’s known to create stereotypes. 

(1) 부모직업ㆍ혈액형? 면접에서 못 묻는다 | 190717 소셜라이브 - YouTube

Because asking someone’s blood type has become somewhat corny, you can even respond to it with dad jokes. 

For example if someone asks “혈액형이 뭐야?,” you can respond with the followings:

  1. 인형. Since “ means “type,” but “인형” means a “doll,” you’re saying “I’m a doll”. 

  2. 동네형. “형” can also mean an “older brother” or a guy friend who is older than you, and “동네“ means a “neighborhood,” you’re saying ”I’m a neighbor 형”.

  3. 이상형. The literal translation of this word is an “ideal type,” which refers to an “ideal woman” or an “ideal man”. So you’re joking by saying that you’re the ideal woman/man.


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