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‘약식동원’ is an old Korean idiom that means “Food is the medicine”. Since ancient times, Koreans have believed that food and medicine have the same origin and good food has the same effect as medicine. It also means that both health and illness are caused by the food they eat and how they eat them. The belief that ‘medicine should only be used when food has failed’ has influenced the creation of traditional Korean medicine.
‘약’ is a Chinese word for ‘medicine’
‘식’ is ‘food’
‘동’ is ‘same’
‘원’ is ‘source’
Rice cooked with healthy ingredients like chestnuts, jujubes, and pine nuts is called ‘약식,’ which is literally translated as ‘medicinal food’ or ‘medicinal rice’. Because ‘honey’ was also considered a medicine (약) during Joseon Dynasty, honey buckwheat wine was called ‘약주,’ and fried honey rice cake was called ‘약과’.
Korea’s famous condiment, 고추장 (Red chili paste) is usually made of red chili powder, glutinous rice powder, powdered fermented soybeans, and salt. But there’s a special 고추장 called “약고추장”. It is believed to be healthier and more medicinal since they cook 고추장 with honey and beef.
Alcohol was banned during the Joseon era, but houses with infirm patients were allowed to make ‘약주,’ since they were considered medicine.
Below is a chart that shows healthy Korean food pairings:
돼지고기 (pork) is supposed to be good with 새우젓(fermented shrimps);
부추(garlic chives) is good with 된장(soybean paste), but bad with 쇠고기(beef);
쇠고기(beef) is good with 깻잎(perilla leaf);
호박(pumpkin) is good with 계란(eggs);
땅콩(peanut) is bad with 맥주(beer);
파(green onion) is bad with 미역(seaweed);
미역(seaweed) is good with 콩(beans);
콜라(coke) is bad with a 햄버거(burger).
Which food do you like to eat together? Is it a healthy pairing? To what extent do you believe that “food is the medicine”?
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